Right Side Up results

Creative art as a therapy helps us approach issues in life from a different perspective. By working through thoughts, memories and emotions via images or symbols, we move away from cognitive thinking and tap into a more instinctive and intuitive level within us. This moves us beyond repeated cycles that continually block our ability to move forward.

Creative art workshops, or individual sessions, provide a safe and supportive environment to enable clients to discover resources that will help them effectively deal with stressful thoughts or issues and move beyond surviving to thriving.

A recent Right Side Up project was entitled “Red high heels on the Yellow brick road.”

It explored the experience of 12 women working in an organization that is strongly male hierarchical in its structure. Each participant prepared 2-dimensional art works and wrote a summary of their journey as a woman in leadership.

This was presented at a conference in Sydney and is being prepared for publication as a special report in the organization’s magazine.

While the administration of this organisation may benefit from the staff insight gained in this project, the participants who prepared the art pieces found the experience to be personally beneficial. Many expressed a greater understanding of their own response to their work environment and have developed new resources to thrive instead of survive on the job.

Other current Right Side Up projects include; exploring spirituality through art, weekend workshops which use audio-visual presentations, bodywork and art to facilitate team building and personal growth in a community. For enquiries on hothouse weekend workshops or fertiliser fun days for corporate or community groups, or for private sessions see email above.